Transforming Urban Space Home Decor's Instagram Presence


Urban Space Home Decor, a budding home decor brand, faced a common challenge: gaining visibility and engagement on social media. With just a basic Instagram page, they struggled to attract followers and convert them into customers. They needed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to elevate their brand presence and drive sales.


Urban Space Home Decor partnered with Storycrafters, a digital marketing agency, to revamp their Instagram presence and implement effective marketing strategies. Here's how Storycrafters tackled the challenge.

Initial Assessment

Storycrafters began by understanding Urban Space's brand identity, target audience, and business goals. They analyzed competitors and identified opportunities for differentiation.

Content Strategy

Storycrafters developed a content strategy aligned with Urban Space's brand identity and audience preferences. They created a mix of visually appealing posts, including product showcases, behind-the-scenes glimpses, user-generated content, and lifestyle imagery.

Instagram Page Optimization

Storycrafters revamped Urban Space's Instagram profile, ensuring it reflected the brand's aesthetic and values. They optimized the bio, profile picture, and highlights to attract and engage visitors.

Influencer Marketing

Leveraging influencer partnerships, Storycrafters collaborated with micro and macro influencers in the home decor niche. They identified influencers whose audience matched Urban Space's target demographic and facilitated authentic collaborations to increase brand exposure.

Community Engagement

Storycrafters engaged with Urban Space's audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. They fostered a sense of community by running interactive polls, Q&A sessions, and giveaways.

Creative Services

Storycrafters provided end-to-end creative services, including graphic design, photography, videography (via Influencers and customers) and copywriting. They ensured all content adhered to Urban Space's brand guidelines and resonated with their audience.

Paid Advertising Campaigns

Storycrafters devised targeted paid advertising campaigns on Instagram to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to Urban Space's profile. They optimized ad content, monitored performance metrics, and adjusted strategies to maximize ROI.


Through Storycrafters' strategic approach, Urban Space Home Decor experienced significant growth in its Instagram following and engagement. The brand's profile evolved into a visually appealing and interactive platform that attracted home decor enthusiasts. With a cohesive content strategy, influencer partnerships, paid advertising campaigns, and comprehensive creative services, Urban Space achieved remarkable results. Today, Urban Space boasts 55k followers on Instagram and has garnered attention, including being featured on Shark Tank India Season 3, catapulting the brand to new heights of success.

Transforming Kavach Group's Creative Landscape

Initial Engagement

When Kavach Group first approached us at, they were seeking impactful presentations for their strategic deals. Recognizing the critical role of compelling visual materials in securing these deals, we embarked on our journey with them.

Developing Impactful Decks

We delved deep into understanding Kavach Group's ethos, goals, and target audience. Armed with this knowledge, we crafted presentations that not only showcased their offerings but also resonated with their potential partners. These impactful decks laid the foundation for a fruitful collaboration.

Gradual Expansion of Services

Impressed by the results of our initial engagement, Kavach Group entrusted us with more aspects of their creative needs. We gradually expanded our services to encompass website development, social media management, and print designs, seamlessly aligning our efforts with their evolving requirements.

Becoming a Creative Partner

Today, we at proudly serve as Kavach Group's creative partner across different verticals. From enhancing their online presence through engaging websites and social media management to delivering striking print designs, we are deeply integrated into their brand journey.

Impact and Success

Our collaborative efforts have contributed significantly to Kavach Group's success in the competitive landscape of Global Facility Management services. Together, we have not only secured strategic deals but also elevated their brand presence and credibility. Our partnership continues to thrive as we embark on new creative endeavors together, driving further growth and success for Kavach Group.

Enhancing Accura Resources' B2B Marketing with Impactful Visuals

Initial Engagement

Accura Resources, a key player in the solar solutions sector catering to B2B clients, sought to elevate their marketing approach. They recognized the power of visuals in effectively communicating their brand message to their audience. As their chosen creative partner, stepped in to fulfill this need.

Strategic Visual Design

Understanding the importance of visuals in B2B marketing, we focused on creating impactful design collateral for Accura Resources. From eye-catching product showcases to informative infographics and engaging presentations, each visual element was meticulously crafted to resonate with their target audience. Our designs aimed to convey complex information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format, thereby enhancing Accura Resources' brand perception and credibility in the industry.

LinkedIn and WhatsApp Visuals

We extended our design services to Accura Resources' LinkedIn and WhatsApp marketing efforts. For LinkedIn, we developed visually stunning graphics and illustrations tailored to the professional environment, ensuring that each post and update captured the attention of B2B decision-makers. Similarly, for WhatsApp marketing, we created captivating visuals optimized for mobile viewing, allowing Accura Resources to stand out in a crowded digital landscape and effectively communicate with their audience.

Impact and Success

Our partnership with Accura Resources has resulted in a significant improvement in their B2B marketing efforts. By leveraging impactful visuals across LinkedIn and WhatsApp, we have helped Accura Resources enhance their brand visibility, engage their audience, and establish themselves as a trusted leader in the solar solutions sector. Our ongoing collaboration continues to drive success as we explore new opportunities to leverage the power of visuals in B2B marketing.

Boosting Corseca's Online Presence

Initial Step

Corseca, a tech brand loved by young people, wanted to be more popular online. So, they teamed up with us,, to make that happen.

Amazon A+ Content

We worked with Corseca to make their Amazon product pages more interesting. By writing short but helpful descriptions and arranging them neatly, we showed off the best parts of Corseca's products. This helped more people on Amazon notice and buy their stuff.

Instagram Content Creation

We worked closely with Corseca to brainstorm creative ideas and write engaging captions for their Instagram posts. Our goal was to make their Instagram page more interesting and enjoyable for their followers. We came up with catchy phrases, fun facts, and questions to spark conversations among their audience.

Napeazy - From Travel Pillow to Wellness Buddy

Initial Engagement

When Napeazy, known for its travel pillow, envisioned transitioning into a wellness companion, they sought our expertise at We collaborated on enhancing their product's image, revamping their website, and managing their social media presence to reflect this transformation.

Product Shoot

To capture Napeazy's evolution into a wellness buddy, we orchestrated a product photoshoot. Each image was carefully curated to convey a sense of relaxation and comfort, showcasing the product's versatility beyond travel scenarios. These images became instrumental in repositioning Napeazy in the market as a wellness-focused brand.

Website Redevelopment

Understanding the importance of a user-friendly online platform, we undertook the task of redesigning Napeazy's website. Our revamped design highlighted the product's new features and benefits, emphasizing its role as a wellness companion. With streamlined navigation and engaging visuals, the website provided a seamless experience for visitors, encouraging them to explore Napeazy's offerings further.

Social Media Management

We took charge of managing Napeazy's social media platforms to amplify their new identity. Through engaging content and strategic posting, we communicated Napeazy's transformation to a wellness buddy to their audience. By fostering meaningful interactions and sharing relatable wellness tips, we cultivated a community around the brand, driving engagement and brand loyalty.

Impact and Success

Our collaborative efforts in product photography, website redevelopment, and social media management have propelled Napeazy's transition from a travel pillow to a wellness buddy. The cohesive messaging across all channels has resonated with consumers, resulting in increased brand awareness and customer engagement. Napeazy has successfully established itself as a trusted companion for relaxation and well-being, driving continued growth and success in the market.